There's a movement to prevent net neutrality from ending on June 11, but it looks like a long shot.

By Michael Martin, Metro
The Senate voted to overturn the FCC's repeal of net neutrality on
Wednesday afternoon, but experts say the measure faces a tough road
By 52 to 47, the Senate passed a Congressional Review Act (CRA) to
undo the FCC's vote to deregulate broadband internet. The bill now heads
to the House for a vote.
What is net neutrality and why is it important?
Net neutrality prevents internet service providers from charging
higher prices for access to different types of content — video or social
media, for example — or establishing "fast lanes" for companies that
pay more for quicker access to their sites. Proponents say it levels the playing field between corporations and small businesses and saves consumers money.
"Net neutrality is the free speech issue of our time," said Sen. Ed
Markey (D-MA) before the vote. He said the FCC's decision to abolish it
"neglected the will of everyday Americans and gave a gift to the rich
and powerful." Broadband lobbyists sought to convince Senators that the
rule was unnecessary and that providers would self-regulate, Ars Technica reported.
In December, a University of Maryland poll
found that 83 percent of Americans, including 75 percent of
Republicans, were opposed to ending net neutrality. But Trump-appointed
FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai vowed to overturn it anyway, and in December
the board voted to end net neutrality on June 11. That will still happen
unless the House passes the bill and President Trump signs it by that
What happens now?
Preserving net neutrality looks like a long shot. Republicans have a
236-193 majority in the House, compared to a one-seat majority in the
Senate. (Republican Senators Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of
Alaska and John Kennedy of Louisiana joined Democrats in pushing the
bill through there.) Democrats would need all their members to vote in
line — which is not certain — along with 22 Republicans. And ultimately,
President Trump does not support it.
Earlier this year, New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman
launched an investigation into the FCC's public comment page on net
neutrality being stacked with pro-repeal comments made under stolen
identities, some from people who were deceased. An audit found that
nearly 100% of organic comments on the page were opposed to repealing
the rule.
Pai, who previously worked as a lawyer for Verizon, is under separate
investigation. The FCC's Inspector General is looking into Pai's
decision to abolish longtime limits on TV-station ownership to enable
conservative broadcaster Sinclair Broadcasting to greatly enlarge its
presence across the country.